Mandarin Chinese for Children

Mandarin Chinese Vocabulary for Children is an application for the iPhone, iPad and Apple TV. The application has a simple interface and is geared toward children in Pre-K through the early elementary grades. The app is also useful for older children and adults seeking to learn basic Mandarin Chinese vocabulary.

The application will teach your child over 100 vocabulary words which are divided into ten categories. Each category and vocabulary word is represented by a picture and Chinese characters. The word's pronunciation is given when the child taps a picture. The words in each category are presented together so that the child can compare how the different words sound.

Available For

  • iPhone
  • iPad
  • Apple TV

Privacy Policy

Mandarin Chinese Vocabulary for Children does not contain advertisements or in-app purchases. Mandarin Chinese Vocabulary for Children does not ask for, collect, store or sell any personal or device information. Mandarin Chinese Vocabulary for Children does not access the device’s camera or microphone and it does not provide internet access. Mandarin Chinese Vocabulary for Children does not access or track user location.

Mandarin ChineseVocabulary for Children


Mandarin Chinese Vocabulary for Children is built using UFO Software's Early Learner Language Framework that provides a simple interface geared toward children in Pre-K through the early elementary grades. The Early Learner Language Framework is designed so that language applications can be built using a common set of code with a different string set for each language.


  • Ported from Objective C to Swift
  • AVSpeechSynthesizer
  • UISplitViewController
  • UICollectionViewController
  • Storyboards
  • Xcode
  • Affinity Photo
  • Git
  • TestFlight


  • Localized App Store Pages
  • App Store Submission